Finding Hope that’s Real


      Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead… 1 Peter 1:3

He lives

Few things are more hope filled than a newborn baby. Parents wonder and dream at all the potential and promise this new life holds. Sadly as decades pass the promise dulls and problems choke out many dreams. Hope seems to shed like leaves from northern trees in November. For many cynical realism grows in the ground that hope once occupied.

This is as natural in our world as losing our baby teeth so that something more permanent (we hope) can come in. The hope we are born with in this world is not meant to last. The trials of life reveal quickly enough that the beliefs, things and efforts we thought would make our lives amazing could not hold up. Where we longed for life we found the sting of death.

This is where Easter steps in. The great message of Easter is that real, permanent, ultimate hope is available. A hero has come. At first we misjudged Him. Though fascinated, we mocked and resisted. Our evil nature lead to His death. But death could not hold Him. He defeated death and rose to life. His unique power and identity as the Son of God in flesh revealed itself validating all He ever taught & claimed. He has power to give life, forgive sin, heal wounds, transform character and much, much more. He gives peace to the troubled, rest to the weary, sight to the blind, courage to the fearful and life to all who will turn to Him.

Though many still doubt, those who humbly trust their lives to Jesus find real hope. The hopelessness of this world becomes a blessing that leads us to Him if we are willing to believe. This Easter, if you find yourself struggling with hope, RUN to a church where His hope will be  explained and offered. If you have found it, RUN to gather with others who will celebrate the great hope you have received.